The WasteWatcher

The Pentagon's Rock-bottom Readiness Rates
The Pentagon’s tactical aircraft have woeful readiness rates across the board, including its newest aircraft, the F-35.

The Hidden Taxes on Internet Service
Cities and states seek to sidestep federal limits on internet taxation.

USPS Delivering for America Plan Needs to Deliver More
The U.S. Postal Service will lose $8 billion in FY 2024 and the Delivering for American Plan is not working as intended.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Halloween Candy Are Not a Sweet Deal for Taxpayers
There are some areas of the farm bill, like the sugar program, that are ripe for reform.

Sen. Warren Again Shows Her Ignorance of Private Equity
If Sen. Warren's effort is successful, it would undermine a vital and extremely successful industry.

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Unintelligent Attack on AI
The Biden-Harris administration’s latest attack on American innovation is aimed at artificial intelligence.

340B Drug Discount Program is a Nightmare
Like many other well-intended programs 340B has ended up both wasting money and failing to provide benefits for patients.

Kansas Bankrolls Buc-ee the Beaver
Kansas lawmakers gave tax-free public financing to a powerful private interest.

The Proposed Musk Efficiency Commission Could Save Trillions
Trump saying that trillions of dollars can be saved from a government efficiency commission headed by Musk isn't an exaggeration.

Price Controls Are Always a Bad Idea
Prices controls have always disrupted the marketplace and created shortages or excesses.

The Future of the Universal Service Fund
To save taxpayer dollars, Congress should look at revamping the USF program instead of trying to expanding its contribution base.

The Case for 340B Reform Is Made on Capitol Hill
At a Capitol Hill briefing on the urgent need for reforms to the 340B Drug Pricing Program, the case was made for prompt action to fix the program. The event took place at the Senate Visitors Center on September 23, 2024, and was hosted by the...