
Protecting Intellectual Property in an AI World
Intellectual property rights should be protected when artificial intelligence is used in creative works.

Court Further Delays Net Neutrality Implementation
On August 1, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit extended the stay on the FCC's latest net neutrality order.

Celebrating Creative Women on World IP Day
April 26, 2023 celebrates Women in IP, which should provide focus on protecting their intellectual property rights.

The Inflation Reduction Act Is a Fiscal Disaster
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will raise taxes, increase spending, and prolong both inflation and the recession.

Federal Funding for Broadband Should Be Vendor and Technology Neutral
When planning infrastructure spending on broadband deployment, rules should be technology and vendor neutral.

VA/DOD Healthcare Interoperability Can Be Improved
DOD and VA joint OIG report cites problems and makes recommendations to improve interoperability of electronic healthcare records.

A Silver Anniversary Worth Noting
A path forward for telecommunications on the 25th Anniversary of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

FCC Action on 5.9 GHz Will Free Up Vital Spectrum for Unlicensed Use
The FCC's November meeting includes a much needed and significant decision on 5.9 GHz that will free up long underutilized spectrum for unlicensed use.

House Judiciary Committee Antitrust Report Is Anti-Competitive
The House Judiciary Committee Majority Staff Report on Competition in Digital Markets is anti-competitive and a waste of the taxpayers' money.

Agencies Need to Stop Fighting for Unneeded Spectrum
For nearly four years, the FCC under Chairman Pai’s leadership has moved quickly to address the ever-changing telecommunications needs of the nation

H-1B Visas Allow U.S. Companies to Thrive
Because of lack of coordination in STEM education, there is a demonstrated need for H-1B visas.

Creativity in Fighting the Coronavirus Should Be Focus on World IP Day
April 26 is World IP Day and should be dedicated to celebrating the creativity in the fight against the coronavirus.