The Savings from Broadband Bulk Billing Are Saved | Citizens Against Government Waste

The Savings from Broadband Bulk Billing Are Saved

The WasteWatcher

In one of his first decisions, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Brendan Carr announced on January 27, 2025, that he is ending “consideration of a 2024, Biden-Harris Administration proposal that sought to regulate so-called “bulk billing” arrangements.”  He added, “[T]here is a lot of work ahead to reverse the last Administration’s costly regulatory overreach.  I am glad to take a step in the right direction by ending the FCC’s consideration of a Biden-era plan that would have artificially raised the cost of Internet service.”

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) applauds Chairman Carr for acting quickly to overturn a March 5, 2024 proposal by former FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel  to eliminate bulk billing agreements for broadband to multi-tenant buildings.  This proposal would have adversely affected residents of condominiums, public housing, landlords, and homeowner’s associations who are seeking the best service at the lowest cost for all residents in their communities.

Bulk billing leverages the buying power of multiple residences and reduces costs.  This ill-conceived proposal, which was not only opposed by taxpayer groups like CAGW but also the No Home Left Offline Coalition, composed of nonprofit groups representing civil rights, education, healthcare, and housing, would have stopped the use of these arrangements, raised prices, and delayed the closing of the digital divide.

Stopping this proposal from moving forward is a win for consumers.