Earmark Database

Earmark Database

Since 1991, Citizens Against Government Waste has chronicled how lawmakers have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on pork-barrel spending through the process of congressional earmarking. CAGW’s Earmark Database collects almost 30 years of work identifying wasteful spending projects and makes the information available online in one searchable database for the very first time. The earmark database is a powerful tool for lawmakers, citizens, and researchers alike.
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ABR - Above president's budget request
NBR - No budget request by president
C - Inserted in conference committee
H - Inserted in the House
S - Inserted in the Senate
HS - Inserted in the House and Senate
AG - Agriculture
COM - Commerce
DEF - Defense
FINSER - Financial Services
FOROP - Foreign Operations
HS - Homeland Security
INT - Interior
LEG - Legislative
MILCON - Military Construction
THUD - Transportation/Housing and Urban Development
VAHUD - Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development